Monday 15 June 2009

My Leaving Speech

It is quite ironic that I have known, almost to the letter, certain lines of my leaving speech since before I even got elected. And instead of delivering the lines and capturing the chamber with my wise words and poignant points, I appear through the medium of video.

6 weeks ago, I was given a once in a life time opportunity to participate in a youth delegation to South Africa and Swaziland, with an incredible charity called ACTSA. So unless something has gone horribly wrong (touchwood) I am living the South African dream as you listen to my speech.

In my 2 years on Guild council I sat and listened to officers give their leaving speeches. And sorry to disappoint, but this speech isn’t going to be controversial, revolutionary or eye opening. To me, my leaving speech is about saying thank you, to a Guild that has given me so much, and to people who have made my year in office so amazing.

When I arrived at University in 2006, I was a completely different person.Exhausted after a relationship, which on reflection was the biggest mistake of my life. I moved into the mighty Elgar Court, hoping for a new beginning only to find that I was living with not one but two mentors, a third year who never came out of her room, and 2 other first years, one of whom already knew other freshers and the other who had already had enough and escaped upstairs to her boyfriends flat: gutted!

But I survived and in the end had a great first few weeks, meeting the most incredible girls in my seminar group who turned out to be my best friends and housemates for the rest of University, and who have never been in this chamber, but instead had to put up with my absence and tiredness due to political nonsense for far too long. Nic, Claire, Helen I actually don’t know what would have happened if I haven’t found you. I also owe thanks to Harriet and Jess, who also ended up being my housemates and both helped me volumes in my election.

I hope you all realise how much I love and appreciate you all, and how sorry I am that I’ve not been around as much as I have wanted to be this year. I really have missed you all. My one and only regret about doing this job is the effect it may have had on my friendships with some of you. I’m sorry.

So I got through my first term, and remember seeing the nomination packs for RA elections, and being way too scared to go through with running. Lucky for me- there were just two positions filled and they were both uncontested, so I hedged my bets and I ran to be Vice President (Services) on the Elgar Court Residence Association during the bye election, in what turned out to be the only contested election on the ballot paper: gutted. But I fought and I won and being an RA really did change my life.

RAs are the most consistent, talented, passionate activists that ever come out of the guild: FACT. One of the things that bugs me most is when even the most informed people write the RAs off. It is about time that everyone realised that RAs show us all up when it comes to knowing their constituents, effective representation and total conviction.

And I could never talk about being an RA without paying tribute to Sally Hinchley, who changed the whole ethos of being an RA, away from individuals who wanted to organise parties, into activists who wanted to fight for a better deal for their students. Sally was such a talented VPHC who inspired me beyond belief, had much more confidence than me than I had in myself and gave me invaluable support throughout my time as an RA and beyond.

It was when I was an RA that I met Gary Hughes. There are some people who are so unfair on him, far too quick to shoot him down, but don’t believe a word of it. All you need to listen is to election candidates and outgoing officers thanking him, year after year after year for his contribution to and unwavering passion for the Guild and everything it stands for. He is definitely not always as subtle as he should be, and sometimes he is just plain stupid but I am confident that he is one of the best presidents we have ever had, and want to thank him publicly for that and so much more.

I think it is fair to say without the influence of Sally and Gary and the gentle push of Naush Khan, I would not be making this speech today.

When I decided to run for election in my second year I was so hurt and disappointed at the reception of a few individuals, who I always believed were friends that would support me.

It is those of us who love the Guild and its democracy so often do so at risk shutting others out. It is difficult for us to realise that years of service on Guild Council, for student groups or as student reps does not always produce the best candidate. It is even more difficult to overcome the perception that certain people have “rights” to certain officer roles, where others do not. As passionate as I’m sure we are, the Guild needs to be more inclusive; we should be welcoming candidates in elections who are “outsiders” with open arms, not slamming the door in their face.

What has passed has passed, and I can only say that I hope that I proved those who doubted me wrong. Alex Zatman, I don’t know if you will remember our conversation in the Gisbert Kapp one day about my then potential candidacy and you told me just to go for it. As simple as your solution may appear now, that support meant so much. Thank you. And Ed Sparkes, I convinced you in the end and your help during my campaign really showed me what a true friend you are. You are going to be an incredible officer next year.

So I won my election and the priviledge of being your Vice President Welfare. To everyone that voted for me, I hope I didn’t let you down and thank you.

My only other bug bear with the Guild and this will be my opportunity to make it known is the sexism that is still rife: in student groups, in elections between officers. When I go off on a feminist rant, as I so often do a lot of people just look at me and laugh. But sexism isn’t funny. It isn’t funny that me Hannah and Jen will get paid 20% less than Sparky, Oggy, Rich or Tom. It’s not funny that it will take us decades longer to pay off our student debt. And it’s not funny that statistically, at least one of us will be sexually assaulted and none of the boys will.

We need to start taking liberation seriously, because it is our duty as a union to ensure that all of our members are treated equally.

Where on the surface everything seems fine it is not. The very fact that we have liberation officers is challenged, when female students are disproportionately affected by higher education funding, when LGBT students are bullied in halls and receive no support, when black students suffer in schools that don’t have anonymous marking and disabled students find it difficult to even access the library the case for liberation officers couldn’t be more clear.
We can and must do better but we never will until we are all behind liberation whole heartedly.

I’ve watched other officers use their leaving speeches to outline their achievements and ring fence their legacy. But it’s not about that to me. We need to stop working in year long cycles and being so territorial about our work. Only when we do this will we really beat those who are trying to stop us.

And I have every faith in Johnny and his understanding of this and he is going to make a wonderful sabb. I am so happy you won your election and even more happy that I’m going to be around to see you in action. You have been a massive support to me this year and I only hope that I can repay the favour if you need me.

Now all that is left are the thank yous that I have missed so far, quite glad I’m not here actually as I imagine you would all be getting annoyed at me for taking so long!

I’ll start by listing some people who I know aren’t going to be in the room but deserve a special mention. Labour students, who have supported me massively this year as well as being very close to my heart, in particular Sarah, Alan, Katie, Wes, Joe, Estelle, Ed and Susan.

Jimmy Mac for helping me out with my speeches, and my campaign team of glory, Sophie, Joe, Jamie, Harriet, Jess, Rumbie and of course Luu Rudd who was an absolute star. There are no words that justify how much I owe you. Love you lots.

Tom Guise, I hope you are in the room being as you are the new King of democracy! Thank you for all of your support and wisdom this year, but no thank you for ruining my David Miliband collage.

And now the non sabbs, who as I have said in Guild Council meetings have the most difficult job in the world. We expect so much from them, forgetting that they are studying hard and in some cases working part time as well and the criticism placed upon them is often unfair. There have been so many achievements this year-

Siobhan: FocSoc up for 4 Guild awards….

Nasher: ensuring satellite sites get commitment from the whole officer team in future years.

Pippa: a commitment to environmentalism from representatives in halls, an e and e forum, SILVER sound impact as well as being committed to ensuring that the whole Guild is run by students, in the interest of students.

Suzy: a well deserved commendation for Holocaust Memorial Day. You haven’t had it easy what with your doom foot, and your tendancy to pass out and make me cry, but that event was such a fitting tribute for those who lost their lives in the Holocaust.

And Emod. Such a talented officer and a fantastic friend. With pride is a protest, you reminded everyone about the roots of pride and you created a national movement. And you have a commitment from the University to investigate the experiences of LGBT students here. Thank you for being such a great friend to me, for making Lucille brush my hair, and always giving me the right advice. You should be proud of what you have achieved and I can’t wait to watch you go on and do great things.

I secretly like to think that being a sabb is like being in the West Wing (I’m Josh Lyman in a big way). Lots of drama, having conversations whilst walking down corridors because there is no time, pressure, pressure, pressure and one tiny mistake has seismic consequences.

I love it though, I really do, and as much as we moan about being tired, frustrated and unsupported I always remind myself what a massive privilege being an officer actually is, and if I could give one bit of advice to next years team it would be never forget that.

I could not have gotten through this year without my fellow sabbs around me and I wouldn’t have wanted to. Regardless of the fights, tears and tantrums we have had at one point or another, I wouldn’t swap a single one of you.

So my last thank yous go to the sabbs.

Sparky, your passion for sport is unwavering, uncompromising and so inspiring. But you have given your all to the Guild as well, getting involved with Wellbeing, elections and the building redevelopment.

Tom: When I first met you I never knew how to take you. We had so many late nights in my back garden drinking beer, yet it took me hiding in the Mason Lounge to find out that you were actually supporting me in my election. I know now that you are really thoughtful and caring, and although I argue with you more than anyone else I think it makes us both stronger. You have been a constant source of entertainment this year, from your crazy dancing, to listening to total eclipse of the heart at full volume on repeat and the famous Marley swagger. You can cheer me up without even trying and that is a great thing to be able to do.

Rich: you are a NIGHTMARE. You are absolutely no nonsense and that is one of the many things I love about you. I am in total awe of your commitment and enthusiasm for student activities. You really have thrown yourself onto the front line for societies and volunteer groups and they are so much better because of all of your hard work. A formidable officer who will go on and do great things (I am hoping the apprentice is on the cards).

Hannah: It has really upset me that Guild Council has pin-pointed and attacked the small errors in your work, often at the expense of celebrating your successes. But your commendations this year have been totally deserved, you should never doubt that and stop doubting yourself. You are amazing.

Jen: it has been a real pleasure to work with you. You really are a great leader. You have challenged me and stopped me in my tracks so many times but you have made me grow and I have been a better officer because of it. You have forced the organisation onto the right path and made it crystal clear what we are here to do and whether they realize it or not, activists will benefit from your legacy for years to come . I know you are going to go on and do great things in the black students movement and I want to wish you the best of luck.

Oggy: I really don’t know where I could even start or finish with you. You have been there on every step of my journey, from working together during RA elections, to our days on the mighty Elgar RA, to exec elections, to sharing an office this year. This whole experience would not have been the same without you by my side. Thank you for always being there, for being so supportive of me and being an amazing friend. You are such a talented officer and so grounded. I couldn’t have been happier when you went through with the hall fees protest and I have so much respect for you for doing it. Well done on a fantastic year, I only hope you are as proud of yourself as I am of you

I want to wish next years officer team the best of luck. I can’t say it enough but never forget what a priviledge being a guild officer is. Have fun and never forget why you ran for election, or the people who elected you. So many people have so much invested in this Guild so look after it.

And Guild Council good luck, whether you are going to be around for a few more years or if you are graduating this summer. The passion of guild councilors and other activists keeps officer teams going through the year. So hold them to account but support them at the same time. It is as much your job to look after the Guild as it is theirs.

Thank you for everything

Friday 5 June 2009

Annual Leave

For the next two weeks I am going to be out of the office on annual leave, as I have been given the opportunity to participate in a youth and student delegation to Southern Africa, with an incredible organisation called ACTSA

This means that I won't be in Guild Council to answer any questions: but please put them to me by email and I will get back to you ASAP. I leave on Sunday and if you don't send it before then I will answer it on my return. You can email me at

I thought you might be interested what I am up to over the 2 weeks so below is a list of some of the activities I will be undertaking.

Meeting Swaziland United Democratic Front
Apartheid Museum
Robben Island
Round table with southern African youth and student activists
South African Youth Day as a guest of the NYC
Visiting HIV Projects
Coca Cola Community Projects
Round table with the British High Commission and DFID South Africa
Meeting with Climate Change programme DFID SA
Sonke Gender Justice field programme
District Six Museum

European Elections

If you keep up to date with my blog you will know that I did a lot of work getting students registered to vote. From working with the electoral commission we know that we got just under 1,000 students registered to vote, on top of the students who are already automatically registered in University residences.

The Get the Vote OUT campaign was targeted to halls, where we know that every student is registered to vote.

A leaflet was produced, giving each of the 3 main political parities an opportunity to produce a short statement, outlining thier achievements on and vision for the European parliament.

Each party was then presented a set of questions, which were designed to be the most relevant to students. These were also presented on the leaflet, which went out to every University hall of residence earlier in the week.

Thursday 4 June 2009


The rise of racist and fascist parties in Britain should teach us a lesson about voting. These parties opportunise our apathy, relying on low voter turnout for their political advantage. It is important for this reason to make sure every student votes, and that every student vote in an anti racist, anti fascist vote.

Students make up 15% of the electorate. We need to ensure that students aren’t marginalized by mobilizing at the ballot box.

It is only be voting that we can ensure that our voice is heard.

And in 2009/10 the government are going to review their stance on HE funding, potentially lifting the £3000 cap on top up fees to catastrophic levels. If we aren’t voting, we are not a section of the electorate that can influence this debate with weight. We need to demonstrate that students do vote, and we will reactelectorallyto the issues that affect us.

If you do one thing today: go out and vote: and make your vote an anti racist vote.

Monday 1 June 2009

CULTURE Festival

I have blogged for the past few months about a Multicultural Week initiative that myself and Rich have been planning. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday THIS WEEK, Culture Festival is coming to the Guild of Students.

Thursday 4th June: 10am-4pm
Mermaid Square

FREE Massages all day

Steel drum performer and other street acts in Mermaid Square all day

Internationalism Fair: Come along and find out how you can volunteer abroad, or simply get ideas and information for travelling the world

1pm: Action for Southern Africa come to discuss the problems facing Southern Africa post apartheid

11am, 3pm: Starbucks Forum: A discussion on ethical trading and environmental practices from Starbucks who will be opening on campus. Starbucks will be around all day to answer your questions, or just drop in for a free coffee!

Mural Painting all day (to be displayed at the end of the week)

Friday 5th June 10am- LATE

10am-4pm: Farmers Market comes to Mermaid Square

3BUGS Fringe Festival live in Mermaid Square

International Film Festival: Guild Council Chambers

World Beer Tasting

Free BBQ from 5pm (first come first served, subject to availability)

Free face painting from 5pm

NIGHTLIVE from 8pm

Saturday 6th June: CARNIVAL Fab and Fresh

Dress up, dress up and come along to Fab.... a new cocktail bar will be up in Mermaid Square, along with free gifts, surprise entertainment and summer fete style Tombola, Custard Pies and Coconut Shy from Carnival RAG

Friday 29 May 2009

Crime Prevention message from West Midlands Police

As the end of exam time approaches, you will soon be celebrating the end of another academic year. West Midlands Police are urging you to remain vigilant of your surroundings and your belongings whilst enjoying yourselves in the city centre.

Most people will have their bags, wallets, mobiles and cameras with them whilst enjoying the end of year festivities. It is important to be watchful of them in order to maximise enjoyment of the city’s entertainment venues.

Whilst out, police urge that belongings are NEVER left unattended, as others may take advantage. To minimise the risk of being a potential target the message is simple, don’t leave belongings on show and don’t travel around the city alone.

It is recommended that you stay in groups whilst out in order to keep safe. Don’t leave yourself vulnerable through drink, drugs or isolation. Avoid subways wherever possible and keep to well-lit main roads. Preferably we advise you to make use of taxis to get home and to seriously consider any walking routes that you use.

Always seek help from security staff or police and report any incidents that occur.

Contact the West Midlands Police on 0845 113 5000 and ask for your local police. Alternatively, dial 999 in an emergency and help us to help you.

West Midlands police work hard to keep Birmingham one of the safest cities in the country and by working together we can make sure that it remains so. As part of the valued student community your help is very much appreciated. Only by working together can we make a difference.

For more information visit the Safer Student Website at

Best Mates Play Together Stay Together.

Tuesday 26 May 2009


Everything is slowly coming together at long last.

Last week I met with the Police who are going to part fund the project, in addition to seeking match funding for their contribution from other funds.

Tuesday 19 May 2009

Video reports are here to stay!

Starbucks Forum

June 4th: Subway: 10am-4pm

As you may or may not be aware, a Starbucks Coffee Company Store will be opening on the podium of the Muirhead Tower.

I understand that some students may be uncomfortable with the presence of Starbucks on campus, and it is for this reason that Starbucks have requested to host a question and answer session for any students who may be concerned with their ethical or environmental policy.

On the 4th of June, Starbucks will be in the Guild all day, along side Culture Festival.

Come along to Subway at 11am and 3pm to watch presentations detailing Starbucks CSR and ethical policies, or pop along at any time during the day to question the representatives.

There will be free coffee and possibly biscuits all day for anybody wishing to come along! Drop me an email at or leave a comment at the bottom of the page if you have any more questions.

Sunday 17 May 2009

Margot Wallstrom

This week some Guild Officers went with other students from the University of Birmingham to meet the EU Commissioner, Margot Wallstrom.

Below is some coverage of the event

Monday 11 May 2009

Travel Home for Student Staff

After speaking to some student staff, I am currently working on providing transport or subsidies for student staff who work in the Guild late at night. A paper is going to R and HR Committee (that I chair) in June and the new initiative will hopefully be in place from the new academic year!

Friday 8 May 2009

The Birmingham Pledge

I am currently working with the regional TUC, local MPs and local employment agencies to develop a pledge. This is an initiative similar to one that has been successful in Northampton.

The pledge gives employers an "accreditation" and so they are identified as a good employer. It also makes them identifiable as a good employer, and enables the Guild to hold them to account.

Local agencies will conform to a 10 point pledge, which covers the following areas: working within law and regulations, prompt pay (including holiday and sick pay), ensuring any deductions are reasonable, fair and subject to audit, promoting trade union membership and a particular clause about treating students fairly.

The project is very much in it's infancy and I am hoping that Johnny will be able to take it forward next year.

So far I have completed the following: authored the 10 point pledge, designed literature, got buy in from student unions across the city and got the regional TUC office on board in addition to local MPs.

To do: take the pledge out to agencies and look to involve even more potential stakeholders in the project and finally take it out to local agencies.

Wednesday 6 May 2009

Accomodation Management Group

In Oggy's absence today I chaired Accomodation Management Group, which is a meeting with representatives from Hospitality and Accomodation Services at the University, Guild staff and officers.

Some interesting things came up which I thought would be worth blogging about...

-> We discussed the refurbishment of Tennis Courts in the summer. Every flat in Centre Court will get new windows. Half of the flats will be fully refurbished (the rents will reflect this- with the half that aren't included will pay less rent)

-> The Community Warden Scheme has been given funding to continue operating

-> HAS have made a deal with Ask 4 and are increasing bandwidth in all University residences

-> A Starbucks branch will be opening in the new Muirhead Tower. The Guild will be hosting a forum with Starbucks, hopefully during Culture Festival

-> It was reported that it will be 5-7 years before the redevelopment of Chamberlain is complete. The first stage is going to be started soon, which involves getting approval for the "vision" from University Council and appointing consultants to take the project forward. The Guild will be involved thoughout the whole process.

A letter I never imagined having to write...

Being a sabbatical officer is many things... predictable isn't one of them. Myself and Sparky are currently acting on behalf of a mature student at the University of Birmingham, who feels he is being discriminated against by local businesses because of his age.

Below is an extract of the letter that we sent on his behalf...

We are writing on behalf of a student who has expressed concern about the “student discount” that you offer on tickets. The student has written to you, however does not believe that he has received a satisfactory response.

You state that “To qualify for a student concessionary ticket you must be in full time education and aged between 16-21 years old. Valid NUS cards are required at the time of purchase and at the turnstiles on the day of a match.”

Any student in higher or further education, of any age is entitled to purchase an NUS card, which provides them with discounts. However, it would appear that you are actively discriminating against a significant demographic of the student community and indeed, NUS card holders by restricting this discount according to age.

31.3% of students at Birmingham City University, 34% of students at the College of Food, 8.5% of students at the University of Birmingham, 28.5% at Newman and 8.9% of students at Aston University are “mature students”. Individuals are defined as a mature student if they are aged 21 or over at the start of their course. In addition to “mature students” we have a number of students registered who have taken a gap year before coming to University, and therefore turn 21 in their second year of study, in addition to a number of students who are enrolled on four year courses. It is also worth mentioning that just under 15,000 students in the city of Birmingham are in postgraduate study, and would also be over the age of 21. All of these students would miss out on the “student” ticket rate that you offer.

We have been in touch with trading standards regarding this issue, because the discount you are offering is clearly not a “student rate” and we ask that you investigate this matter and act accordingly.

Friday 1 May 2009

Voter Registration

Today myself, Hannah, Jen, Emma and Lucy from NUS took on the gradball queue. In just over an hour and a half we got 301 students registered to vote.

Thursday 30 April 2009

The return of the Nightbus....

The Guild of Students Nightbus service will relaunch on the 8th of June for the last two weeks of term.

The service will run from 12:30am - 3:30am on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, picking up from Oceana, Risa and Gatecrasher every 15 minutes, dropping off to all halls of residence, the Guild, Selly Oak (Tesco, Soak, Hubert Road) and Pershore Road.

Tuesday 28 April 2009

Voter Registration

Over the Easter holidays, I spent time planning the activities to get students registered to vote.

This week has been the start of the final push to get students registered to vote in time for the next set of elections and the whole officer team have been helping me out.

We have set up a unit outside Spar as a voter registration station- this is open and manned 12-2 each day and students have been coming along to sign up to vote!

Gradball queue- The whole sabbatical team are going to be taking on the gradball queue tomorrow, offering incentives to register and hopefully getting as many people to register as possible!

Academics- I have been working with academics from the European Research Institute, and will be doing a voter registration session along side Margot Wallstrom, Vice President of the European Commission at conference they are holding on the 14th of May. If any first time voters are interested in meeting Margot Wallstrom, please get in touch with me at

Press Releases- Press releases for Redbrick and local papers have been prepared to highlight the work we have been doing to increase voter registration. The electoral commission are also sending us a giant inflatable X to do some photo opportunities with next week.

Selly Oak- All students in University accomodation are automatically registered to vote, so we have been targeting Selly Oak.
I wrote a letter to residents on behalf of the whole officer team with information about registering, including deadlines etc. With these letters will be registration forms and a stamped addressed envelope.

The electoral commission have marked our registration forms especially so that we can measure how effective our efforts have been!

So if you haven't registered to vote already you have until the 19th of May to do so. Visit the about my vote websiter here to fill out a registration form, or come along to the Guild!