Thursday 26 March 2009

Taxi Tender

Last term I wrote the terms and conditions for the Guild nominated Taxi supplier. We then went through a shortlisting process, and representative from the Nightbus working group joined me in making the final decision.

Castle Cars were chosen as the Guild's preffered taxi supplier.

Any student will now be able to use their student ID card to pay for their journey if they have no money.

The nightbus working group are currently finalising details for a Castle Student Card, which will detail concrete fair prices, details of the pay with ID scheme, how to report incidents etc. So watch this space!

Tuesday 17 March 2009

Universities UK call for the lifting of the cap on top up fees...

I was appaled to tune into the news this morning and witness the news coverage of a UUK report, "Changing Landscapes" which details Vice Chancellor's wishes to lift the cap on top up fees.

A feed from Google news which can be viewed here lists related stories, and I would encourage anyone who reads this to take the time to comment on the stories where possible, to make our opposition to the lifting of the cap known.

The top up fee system is damaging in its current form, and attempts to further lift the cap on fees, without addressing the inequalities perpetuated by the system would be catastrophic. We are calling for a fair funding system, by what you pay is based on HOW MUCH you earn not WHERE you go to University. A market in the fee system would see Universities like ours closing its doors on students from lower income families, and we must contest this at every opportunity.

Tomorrow, the Guild of Students along with other members of NUS will be going to parliament, to lobby our MPs to support our calls for a full review of higher education funding in 2009, as promised, a fairer funding system and support for an Early Day Motion tabled by Paul Farrely MP, which can be viewed here

If you can't make the lobby, write to your MP, ask them to sign the EDM, and give students the debate we deserve!

Monday 16 March 2009

Some things are impossible to do in 3 minutes- registering to vote isn't one of them!

You are going to hear a lot from me in the coming months, about the importance of registering to vote, and the equal importance of exercising your democratic right, in local, national and european elections.

Registering to vote is easy. You can do it online

All you need to do is fill out the form, print it off and sign it, then post it.

The Guild will even post it for you if you want, just email me and I will arrange.

Specific information on students registering to vote is available

In 2009/10 the government are set to review the top up fee system. The Guild of Students, in conjuction with the National Union of Students are gearing up to lobby the government for a fairer funding system.
We need to mobilise at the ballot box, demonstrating to policy makers that there will be consequences to lifting the cap on fees.

And that's just one reason! Watch this for more!

Sunday 15 March 2009

Let's Get Tested

Check out Let's get Tested, the video competition from the Terrance Higgins Trust here

Saturday 14 March 2009

Video Blogging

When I was a young sabb back in August, I wrote a 5 page long wish list for my year in office. I was feeling particularly miserable after me and Rich visited Leeds University Union, which is pretty spectacular. And then out of the window I saw a rainbow... and I got writing (true story, but I am digressing).

On Friday, I got to cross another thing off my list. The sabbs filmed our first ever video blogs.

And Emma O'Dwyer and Suzy Railly had the ingenius idea of using them in Guild Council as well!

These will be used to report to Guild Council, on the Guild Website, and through the Guild You Tube Channel. Hopefully this year we can get the foundations in place to ensure that next years officers can hit the ground running, advertising all these mediums in the run up to and during welcome week.

I am really excited! Will post the link to the videos when it is ready :D

And the winner is........

Johnny Davis!

Sunday 8 March 2009


The Guild e voting system means that you can cast your vote from any computer with internet access.

If you would like to vote at a ballot station, a list of locations for the week is available here

Look at the candidates webpages, manifestos, videos and hustings (last one at 1pm, Mermaid Square on Tuesday) and exercise your democratic right.

In wider society, the rise of racist and fascist parties should teach us a lesson: they opportunise our apathy, relying on low voter turnout for their political advantage.
Across the world, men and women have died to ensure that we have a right to vote, and live in a democratic society. Less than 100 years ago, the suffragettes were fighting for the rights of women to vote.
We need to get into a culture of voting, and it is proven that students who vote in Student Union elections are likely to continue voting in later life.

To vote, you need to log onto my.bham, and click on the my place link.

If you need help click here

Friday 6 March 2009