I just thought I would write a quick blog to fill you what I have been/will be up to this week....
-> I visited students in Mason, Tennis Courts and Elgar Court as they moved in and had their welcome talks
-> I enjoyed a wonderful interpretive dance from Timothy Stillwell, President of Tennis Courts (see picture 1)
-> I represented 2 students in University disciplinary hearings- yes, in Welcome Week!
-> I ran the Wellbeing Fair with Mark Smith, Vice President Sport- to follow in a later blog
-> I went to the Tennis Courts welcome BBQ
-> I collected 100s of questionnaires with Domeneque- Women's Officer on single sex gym sessions and active lifestyle classes- this data will be collated and hopefully used to lobby the Munrow for more female only sessions
-> I went to Gatecrasher as a "POSH VIP"
-> I got over 500 students to sign Oggy's petition stating that halls of residence prices at Birmingham are too high- it was great to see that so many students feel so strongly on this issue- home students to students on campus, first years to post grads everybody had an opinion... it's going to be a biggy!
-> I took LOADS of photos of people with the petition (see picture 2 on the right for a picture of me with it)
-> I got a goody bag full of amazing freebies
-> I gave away 3 wheelie bins full of condoms
-> I had a free massage
-> I made the Guild Officer Group travelling stall for the fairs (it looks AWESOME- see picture 3 below)
-> I started recruiting for the Multicultural Week steering group, with Rich Walker- VPSAD
-> I helped out Hannah at the Change Your World Fair on Tuesday the 23rd of September
-> I joined Birmingham Labour Students
-> I disco danced in the silent disco marquee at the Masquerade Ball =]
-> I watched Scott Mills from the balcony in the Deb Hall
-> I talked to students about Broke and Broken, the NUS Higher Education Funding Campaign
-> I joined Carnival
-> I gave presentations on the Guild to new students in Sociology, Accounting, Medicine, Maths and Computer Science
1 comment:
Thats me!!! wooooo!
Tim's dance was amazing "guild council - there are arguments for, arguments against, lots of arguing.. thats how we represent you"
seriously though - reading through your blog makes me proud to be involved in the guild - keep it up love,
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