As the end of exam time approaches, you will soon be celebrating the end of another academic year. West Midlands Police are urging you to remain vigilant of your surroundings and your belongings whilst enjoying yourselves in the city centre.
Most people will have their bags, wallets, mobiles and cameras with them whilst enjoying the end of year festivities. It is important to be watchful of them in order to maximise enjoyment of the city’s entertainment venues.
Whilst out, police urge that belongings are NEVER left unattended, as others may take advantage. To minimise the risk of being a potential target the message is simple, don’t leave belongings on show and don’t travel around the city alone.
It is recommended that you stay in groups whilst out in order to keep safe. Don’t leave yourself vulnerable through drink, drugs or isolation. Avoid subways wherever possible and keep to well-lit main roads. Preferably we advise you to make use of taxis to get home and to seriously consider any walking routes that you use.
Always seek help from security staff or police and report any incidents that occur.
Contact the West Midlands Police on 0845 113 5000 and ask for your local police. Alternatively, dial 999 in an emergency and help us to help you.
West Midlands police work hard to keep
For more information visit the Safer Student Website at www.west-midlands.police.uk/saferstudents
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